Canadian Geographic and the Wild Horses of Alberta

I can finally share my news!

I'm greatly honored to have an Alberta wild horse image gracing the cover of the latest issue of Canadian Geographic .

Almost a year ago, Canadian Geographic offered me a photographic assignment for a story about Alberta wild horses.

The story would be written by journalist Monica Kidd. I had no input into the story itself- I was tasked with providing just the imagery.

But I knew that my good friend Darrell Glover had spent a day with the writer, taking her into the back country to experience the wild horses firsthand. Darrell is the founder of the wonderful organization Help Alberta Wildies Society. As a result, he figures prominently in the article with fact-based defenses of the horses.

There's also beautiful insight from Corleigh Powderface, a forensic anthropologist and Indigenous traditional historian. Her story about the importance of these sacred spirit horses to the Nakoda people brought tears to my eyes.

The future for Alberta wild horses is uncertain; in the interests of balanced journalism, the opinions of wild horse detractors are included in the article. Wild horse advocates are bracing for negative actions that might result from the Alberta government's new 'management framework', created under pressure from public lands ranchers.

For that reason, the timing of this cover story is excellent. Awareness is key to the future for Alberta's historic wild horses and their right to exist in the wilderness as they have for hundreds of years. Much gratitude to Canadian Geographic.

The wild stallion featured on the cover had just battled two other stallions who were vying for his mares. He struck this victorious pose and I was fortunate to capture the moment.

Wild stallions will fight for what's important. It's my hope that we do the same, and add our voices to the protection of these magnificent animals.

This issue of Canadian Geographic is now available on newsstands.

I hope you can pick up a copy!

Thanks everyone!